The micro church discussion is based on the weekly Bible Teaching. Our goal is to have the teaching posted by the Friday evening prior to Micro Church (2nd and 4th Sundays). We encourage you to watch on Saturday or Sunday mornings before you attend your micro church so the content is fresh in your mind. If you don’t have time to watch, we still definitely want you to attend micro church, but your ability to add to the conversation will be limited.
Video posted below is for the March 9 weekend.
Questions to think about as you watch:
What does "working out your salvation with fear and trembling" mean to you?
How do you reconcile the balance between human effort and God’s work in shaping us?
For the kids
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February 23
Kids Lesson: The Torn Up Tattles and the Case of Curious En-V.
Key Verse: “A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones.” (Proverbs 14:30, NIV)
Character Trait: Contentment.
After pitching an idea to the Creators, Art became jealous when the group preferred Zoey’s ideas over his. Have you ever been envious or jealous of someone? What was it that made you jealous?
The Creators chose Proverbs 14:30 as their Bible verse, which says: “A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones.” In your experiences with envy, how did it affect you on the inside? What other emotions did you experience alongside envy?
What did Tinley do to help Art work through his envy? In what ways can our friends help us see and overcome envy? Who are the friends who help you?
Envy can lead us to do things that we wouldn’t normally do. For Detective Brant, it caused him to close himself off from others, while for Mary Alice, it led her to behave dishonestly. How has envy affected your behavior?
Detective Brant’s doctor prescribed “contentments” to help him overcome his case of “En-V.” Being content means having a heart at peace—we are happy with what we have. In what ways can contentment keep us from becoming envious? What does it look like to be happy with what we have?
Confessing our sin, whether it’s the sin of jealousy or something different, is important for loosening sin’s grip on us, as Detective Brant showed us. Do you have any jealousy you need to confess today? If so, who can you talk to about your jealousy?
Being content is a better, healthier way to live than being envious. What can you do to be happy with what you have this week?
March 9
Kids Lesson: Mission Impawsible: Pickle Protocol
Key Verse: “Whoever walks in integrity will be delivered, but he who is crooked in his ways will suddenly fall.” (Proverbs 28:18, ESV)
Character Trait: Integrity
Tinley found a dog and, even though it didn’t belong to her, she was tempted to keep it as her own. Have you ever found something that didn’t belong to you, but you wanted badly to keep it? What did you find? How did you handle that situation?
Art and Tinley learned from their dad that “integrity is doing the right thing even when no one is watching.” When have you been tempted to do wrong because no one was watching?
In Proverbs 28:18, it says “he who is crooked in his ways will suddenly fall.” In the film, which character(s) showed what it looks like “to be crooked in their ways”—to lack integrity? How did their lack of integrity lead to their downfall?
Who do you know who walks in integrity? What words would you use to describe them?
In the end, Tinley did the right thing by finding the dog’s owners, even though it was hard. And she did it with the help of her friends. Why is it so important to have good friends who steer us toward what’s right? In what ways can our friends and family help us have integrity?
What could you do today to grow in integrity? How could you help your friends grow in integrity too?
March 23
Kids Lesson: A Giant Problem.
Key Verse: “The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliver; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.” (Psalm 18:2, NIV)
Character Trait: Faith
Have you, like Will, ever had to choose between exercising your faith in God or being ashamed of your faith? What was that situation like? Which did you choose?
Tinsley said that part of having faith is believing that God will take care of us, even if people are mean. Has anyone ever been unkind to you because of your faith? How did you respond?
How does your faith in God help you when you face difficulties?
In the Bible, King David is an example of someone with a strong faith in God. His faith in God gave him the courage to face and defeat Goliath, the Philistine giant. What did you learn about David and his faith in the Creators’ musical? How can you apply what you learned to your day-to-day life?
Will’s situation ended on a positive note, but he still chose to leave the band because some of their music disagreed with his beliefs. When have you had to say no to something because of your faith in God? What led you to your decision? For what reasons was it the right decision?
One of the important themes in season 2 of The Creators is the importance of community. The group of friends helps each member when they face difficult things. Who are the people in your life who support you when things are hard? What can you do to be even more involved in your community of friends?