The micro church discussion is based on the weekly Bible Teaching. Our goal is to have the teaching posted by the Friday evening prior to Micro Church (2nd and 4th Sundays). We encourage you to watch on Saturday or Sunday mornings before you attend your micro church so the content is fresh in your mind. If you don’t have time to watch, we still definitely want you to attend micro church, but your ability to add to the conversation will be limited.
Video posted below is for the January 12 weekend.
Questions to think about as you watch:
How do you think a church can maintain a healthy balance between Scripture and the Holy Spirit?
How can we create a safe environment in our micro church for people to practice and grow in spiritual gifts?
For the kids
*(Micro churches leaders - please sign up for a FREE account at
January 12
Kids Lesson - The Servant and the Chicken Dragon
Key Verse - “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:45, NIV)
Character Trait: Service
Tinley’s mom referred to her chores as “family service.” Do you have any chores you have to do? If so, which ones? How do you feel about having to do chores?
After reading about the fire at the local food bank, Tinley wanted to serve those who were affected. What idea did she come up with for providing food? How did the Creators respond to her idea?
What are some examples of ways you, your friends, and your family have served others? In what ways have you been served by others?
In the film, it was an unlikely character—the servant who was really a prince—that turned out to be the noblest. How did he prove himself to be a good servant in the film?
Jesus, like the servant prince, said that he didn’t come to be served but to serve others. During his life, Jesus served others by healing them, preparing food for them, and teaching them. How can you follow his example?
What opportunities do you have in your life right now to serve others? Who could you invite to join you in serving others?
January 26
Kids Lesson - Showdown at the Not Ok Corral
Key Verse - “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11, NIV)
Character Trait: Hope
Have you ever had a moment of despair, or sadness, like the group did when they learned Shiloh was moving? Can you describe what that was like for you? Who do you talk to when you encounter despair or sadness?
As they were brainstorming, the group talked about what it was like to have no hope or to be in despair. Ronen described despair as, “feeling like everything is not okay.” What are examples of good ways we can cope when we feel like everything is not okay?
One way the group sought to cheer up and encourage Shiloh was with a Bible passage about hope. How can the Bible encourage us when we’re down? For what reasons did the group think a passage about hope would help Shiloh?
When speaking to Shiloh, the Sheriff said, “I reckon wherever the good Lord takes you, he’s got a plan for you.” Have you ever wondered if God has a plan for you in your life? What do you think his plan for your life could be? What can you do to learn more about God’s plans for you?
How did Shiloh teach the town to defend themselves against Dee Spair? What can you do to defend yourself when you experience sadness or despair?
In the film’s climax, Butterfinger delivered the final blow to defeat Dee Spair after Shiloh assured him he could do it. Why is it important to surround ourselves with people who encourage us? Who are the people in your life who encourage you? How can you be an encouragement to others?
February 9
Kids Lesson: Dr. Prankenstein and the Rage Monster
Key Verse “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” (Proverbs 15:1, NIV)
Character Trait Gentleness
What made Tinley so angry at the beginning of the episode? Have you ever been angry like Tinley? How did you react when you were angry
In her anger, Tinley pranked Zoey. But after learning more about the situation, she regretted her anger and the prank. What can we learn about anger from the situation between Tinley and Zoey? In what ways could Tinley have responded differently?
How did Zoey’s response to Tinley’s prank help to relieve the conflict?
In their film, the Creators show how harsh words can cause anger to grow. What examples from your life do you remember when your anger grew? What caused your anger to grow?
When Dr. Prankenstein and Dracoonula began “fighting” the rage monster with gentleness, she began shrinking. How does gentleness help to shrink our anger? Who has been gentle with you when you were angry? Why did their gentleness help calm your anger?
What can you do to grow in your ability to be gentle toward others? Who can help you and hold you accountable to being gentle?