The Micro Church Movement

Micro churches are groups of 6-12 people that come together twice a month to practice the way of Jesus. In Acts, the earliest church met regularly in homes to study, pray, encourage one another and eat together; however, they were all known as the Church in their city. In a similar way, Micro Churches are smaller expressions of the Hills church, not just individual churches. In these groups, we gather together to deepen our faith, pray, care for one another, and to join the mission of God as we meet the needs of our Church and community. Click HERE to learn more about why we think micro churches are so important.

What to Expect

Micro churches typically meet on Sundays in homes (and in parks when the weather is nice) at 10 a.m. for about an hour to an hour and a half.
The discussion is based around the weekly scripture and teaching. You are encouraged to watch the weekly teaching (posted by Friday) ahead of time but understand that life happens. We’d rather you show up than not show up because you didn’t get a chance to watch the teaching! Each Micro church has dedicated hosts and leaders to help you get acquainted and feel welcomed.
Check out our FAQ page for info about kids.

Sunday Rhythm

  • 1st/3rd Sundays - Gathering at Hallett Academy (2950 Jasmine) at 10 a.m. We gather on these Sundays for singing, preaching, sacraments, and stories.

  • 2nd/4th Sundays - Micro Churches meeting throughout Northeast Denver

  • 5th Sundays - Varies: all-church meal or micro church outreaches (scroll to the bottom of the page for the upcoming schedule)


Please Register!

We ask that you register so we can provide you with the micro church location and leader contact info. We’ll also have the micro church leader reach out to you. We have intentionally tried to create MCs that are based on location and are ethnically and generationally diverse. If you still have questions about how to get started in micro church, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us -

Upcoming Calendar

  • Feb 16 All church

  • Feb 23 Micro church

  • Mar 2 All church

  • Mar 9 Micro church

  • Mar 16 All church

  • Mar 23 Micro church

  • Mar 30 MEAL @ Hallett