Are you on a ministry team or a micro church leader? Have you served at an outreach event this year? We want to honor you! The Hills Church has an incredible team of people who willingly and joyfully serve one another.
Join us for a special dinner on Friday, February 23, @ 6 p.m. at the Center for African American Health (3350 Hudson St, Denver, CO 80207). We’ll eat, have some fun, and give away prizes.
Significant others and kids are welcome but we won’t have designated childcare. We hope families with kids will join us though it might be a nice night out without the kids if you can find a sitter. :) Either way - please come!
Friday, February 23, @ 6 p.m.
The Center for African American Health (3350 Hudson St, Denver, CO 80207)
Parking is available on-street, on the side of the CAAHealth building. And behind the building in the back parking lot of the Hope Center. Please do not park at the Boys and Girls Club. (see picture below).
Park in the yellow zones - Hudson St, 33rd Ave, just south of the CAAHealth, Hope Center parking lot and walk across the bridge. Do not park in front of the Boys and Girls Club - red zone.